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I am a senior lecturer (assistant professor) in Urban Planning and Design at the Department of Urban Studies. As a researcher, I am mainly interested in the socio-spatial consequences of urban development projects; and how different interests and the contradictory goals of sustainable development are perceived and considered in the planning processes.
My academic background is rooted in a Bachelor's degree in Urban Planning and Design and a Master's degree in Urban & Regional Planning and I completed my Ph.D. in Urban Studies at Tarbiat Modares University's Faculty of Art and Architecture in Tehran. The focus of my doctoral research was on the socio-spatial conflicts of large scale redevelopment projects in Mashhad. During my Ph.D. program, I conducted parallel research on a large-scale development project in Portland at Portland State University, Oregon state.
Currently, I am involved in two research projects: investigating Sustainability conflicts within waterfront projects, in collaboration with the Institute for Urban Research (IUR), and the public's perception of transport quality at the Swedish Knowledge Center for Public Transport (K2). I have participated in seven prior research projects encompassing urban catalysts, urban plaza site selection, city image analysis in distressed urban areas, street transformation into pedestrian pathways, building contraventions, and smart growth. I have authored two books, contributed to two book chapters, and published 14 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
In my current capacity at the Department of Urban Studies, Malmö University, I teach in courses Physical Planning, Transport, Mobility, and Planning, GIS and Statistics for Planners (bachelor program of Urban Development and Planning), Research Methods (master’s program of Leadership for Sustainability), and methods in Urban Studies and master's theses (master’s program of Urban Studies). I am also involved in coordinating the Bachelor program of urban development and planning within the department.